Sunday, November 20, 2011

A visit to the school

On Friday, after Ricardo played in the snow, we headed to see the prinicpal at his school. I had made an appointment so I could discuss Ricardo and his needs so he could make a successful integration into his new school.   The principal has known for a long time that Ricardo was coming and had been thinking about what was best and after our discussion she suggested that he should start in kindergarten. She felt that he would be overwhelmed in a grade 1 class and that in kindergarten they are learning the basics like numbers and days of the week which would be good for him learning English. The kindergarten teacher is one of the best teachers in the school and very experienced with the primary grades. The prinicpal also felt that kindergarten would be good because of this lack of confidence with other kids and his inexperience with things. The kindergarten room and curriculum also centres around play which is excellent for language development. She also added that we would assessment him in a few months and we could move him to grade one at that time. It will easier to move Ricardo up a grade then to put him in grade 1 and then have to move him back down if it proves too much. If he stays in kindergarten all year, they will then also look at putting him in a split class next year (grade 1/2) so he can gradually move to grade two if that is what is needed. The kindergarten class also has a learning assistant so there are two adults in the room which means that Ricardo can get some one on one attention.

Before the meeting, I had thought he would go into grade 1 but honestly, I was worried about how he was going to fit in.  He is shy of kids his age but will play with younger kids.  I think that kindergarten will be a better fit for him.  Plus, the school will keep reviewing him and will move him up if they feel he is ready.  I would rather that he feel comfortable then overwhelmed.

We also discussed the English As a Second Language support. Our school does have some but it would be maybe an hour or two per week. And this would continue for five years.

After our discussion we headed to see the classroom. The students were in the gym so we could walk around the room. It was colourful, and full of different play areas. Ricardo's face just lit up. The principal saw this and said, "He will be very comfortable in this room. It it much better for him at this time to be in a room like this."

Then we headed to the gym. The kids were dancing with coloured scrafs and Ricardo was given one so he could join in. He was nervous (because now there were other children) but he followed along. Then we met his teacher, Mrs. D, that's what all the kids call her, and we arranged to start Ricardo on Monday. She felt that afternoon would be best as it is more play based after lunch and this would make an easy start for him. I am going to stay in the class with him for the first few days.  The teacher is also teaching some Spanish in the class so that will make him feel comfortable.

And what did Ricardo think? Well, a few weeks ago when I mentioned that he would go to school in a month, he said, "NO! Six months." He didn't want to go. But we have spent some time at the school when we pick up Ali, getting him used to the space. On Friday when we came back from the school, he ran to his room and grabbed his backpack. I had given him a small bag of popcorn for a snack. Instead of eating it, he put it in the bag and said that it was for school and then he placed the bag where Ali puts her school bag each day. He talked about going to school all weekend and the last thing he said tonight before going to sleep was "School tomorrow!" so I guess he is ready to go.


  1. I think you've made the right decision. It sounds like your school is really supportive and the teachers are great if they are willing to let Ricardo move mid-year. You are fortunate to have such a great school and staff. I'm glad you got the ESL worked out because Ricardo is entitled to that. I can't believe he is going to school tomorrow! Have a good first afternoon Ricardo. You are awesome!

  2. We pray Ricardo's transition will go smoothly and that he'll love school and all his new friends!


  3. So happy Ricardo is opening to a daily rutine! He is soooooo cute!!

  4. I wish Ricardo a good start in his school.
