Monday, December 13, 2010

Accepted! Finally

I just got an email saying that finally my psychology report has been accepted.  It only took over two months.  My agency told me that the report still wasn't right but the Adoption Department felt sorry for me and it was clear that my psychologist, after 3 tries, didn't understand what was needed.  So, after all this I am now officially in line but not clear where.  I had a great number in September but I am not sure if I was removed from the line and put back in lower down or what.  My agency said that I would get my new number sometime in January.  So more waiting.

Friday, December 10, 2010

And on it goes

So, I spent last week trying to fix the psychology report problem, trying to get the psychologist to change the report so it would be accepted.  He kept writing drafts that my agency said were not right.  I even researched reports to see if I could help him out.  In the end, the agency said to just send what he had done and yesterday I scanned them yet another report to take to the Adoption Department.  Now I wait to see what will happens next.