Sunday, November 20, 2011

A visit to the school

On Friday, after Ricardo played in the snow, we headed to see the prinicpal at his school. I had made an appointment so I could discuss Ricardo and his needs so he could make a successful integration into his new school.   The principal has known for a long time that Ricardo was coming and had been thinking about what was best and after our discussion she suggested that he should start in kindergarten. She felt that he would be overwhelmed in a grade 1 class and that in kindergarten they are learning the basics like numbers and days of the week which would be good for him learning English. The kindergarten teacher is one of the best teachers in the school and very experienced with the primary grades. The prinicpal also felt that kindergarten would be good because of this lack of confidence with other kids and his inexperience with things. The kindergarten room and curriculum also centres around play which is excellent for language development. She also added that we would assessment him in a few months and we could move him to grade one at that time. It will easier to move Ricardo up a grade then to put him in grade 1 and then have to move him back down if it proves too much. If he stays in kindergarten all year, they will then also look at putting him in a split class next year (grade 1/2) so he can gradually move to grade two if that is what is needed. The kindergarten class also has a learning assistant so there are two adults in the room which means that Ricardo can get some one on one attention.

Before the meeting, I had thought he would go into grade 1 but honestly, I was worried about how he was going to fit in.  He is shy of kids his age but will play with younger kids.  I think that kindergarten will be a better fit for him.  Plus, the school will keep reviewing him and will move him up if they feel he is ready.  I would rather that he feel comfortable then overwhelmed.

We also discussed the English As a Second Language support. Our school does have some but it would be maybe an hour or two per week. And this would continue for five years.

After our discussion we headed to see the classroom. The students were in the gym so we could walk around the room. It was colourful, and full of different play areas. Ricardo's face just lit up. The principal saw this and said, "He will be very comfortable in this room. It it much better for him at this time to be in a room like this."

Then we headed to the gym. The kids were dancing with coloured scrafs and Ricardo was given one so he could join in. He was nervous (because now there were other children) but he followed along. Then we met his teacher, Mrs. D, that's what all the kids call her, and we arranged to start Ricardo on Monday. She felt that afternoon would be best as it is more play based after lunch and this would make an easy start for him. I am going to stay in the class with him for the first few days.  The teacher is also teaching some Spanish in the class so that will make him feel comfortable.

And what did Ricardo think? Well, a few weeks ago when I mentioned that he would go to school in a month, he said, "NO! Six months." He didn't want to go. But we have spent some time at the school when we pick up Ali, getting him used to the space. On Friday when we came back from the school, he ran to his room and grabbed his backpack. I had given him a small bag of popcorn for a snack. Instead of eating it, he put it in the bag and said that it was for school and then he placed the bag where Ali puts her school bag each day. He talked about going to school all weekend and the last thing he said tonight before going to sleep was "School tomorrow!" so I guess he is ready to go.

Friday, November 18, 2011

First Snow!!!

Yippee! Snow!!  Ricardo experienced his first snow fall today.  We woke to a few centimetres on the ground.  After we took Ali to school he took his first steps in the snow.  He just stood there for a while and then finally decided to touch it.  He didn't want gloves on.  After these photos were taken he changed his mind and wanted gloves.  He said "Frio!!!"  (cold).

First Touch of snow

First Snowball
He then spent an hour outside before we had to go out.  It was really wet snow so he was soaked and cold when he came in (I need to get him some snow pants).  And he didn't want to go back out for a while.  But by afternoon, after we walked to the mail box, he was ready to play in the snow again and he is still out there.  He keeps saying "Snow is funny!" Which is his way of saying that snow is FUN.  
Chasing Daisy
Enjoying his first snow

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Swimming Lessons

Ricardo started swimming lessons this week with Monica.  He was so exicted when I told him the night before but tears came the next morning when it looked, to him, that we weren't going.  His experience of a pool is that we all put our bathing suits on, grab a towel and walk to the hotel pool.  Instead I was putting his suit and towel in a bag and Ali was collecting her stuff for school.  I tried to explain but the tears continued until we had dropped Ali off and were half way to the pool and I keep repeating that he was going swimming now.  He was nervous when we got to the pool, which must have looked strange to him as it was in a building and there were no palm trees.  And because I work for the local Parks and Rec Departmen everyone knew who he was when we entered the building.  They were all excited to see him. 

Once he saw Monica on the deck, his nervousness began to fade.  And there was no problem in the pool.  He was smiling the whole time. 

Today, he was excited that we were going to the pool again and there were no tears.  He knew that we would go once we dropped Ali at school.  This time, as we were driving, he kept saying, "the pool's not here."  And I would respond that it was still 5 minutes away.  This conversation continued until we reached the pool. 

He made great strides today putting his head in the water and even swimming on his own for about 15 seconds.  Again, he was smiling the whole time. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Ali

Yesterday Ali turned 8 years old!  We celebrated her birthday on Saturday.  We (or maybe I should say "I") decided against having a big party.  I didn't think I could handle the stress of organizing a party and that a house full of screaming girls might be a bit much for Ricardo.  So instead she invited her frient Hannah over for two days.  We started out with some free playtime followed by lunch and cake.  We then headed to Nanaimo to see Puss in Boots, 3D.  Ricardo had never been to the movies before and he was really excited.  The movie even had some Spanish words in it.  Ricardo is still talking about the movie.

After the movie we had dinner at a local restaurant followed by 5 pin cosmic bowling.  I haven't been bowling in years.  My first time up I got a strike but I quickly went down hill from there.  Hannah won!  Ricardo had never been bowling and both girls coached him.  He had some pretty good shots. 

Hannah stayed the night and the girls (and myself) did not get much sleep.  Sunday was spent playing in the morning and then we headed to the park and the beach in the afternoon. 

Ali enjoyed her birthday and was not upset at not having a big party.  It was much easier on me, no stress.   I think we will do something similar for her birthday next year. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011


The first week home, I introduced Ricardo to Monica.  Monica is from Mexico and, of course, she can speak Spanish.  She chatted with him about Canada and what he was feeling.  One thing that was confirmed is that he doesn't want to speak English.  I think because it is all he has left from his other life.  Everything was taken from him and all that is left is Spanish.  He told us that he misses home especially the other foster kids.  This also explains the crying spells.  They have been short but they come out of no where.  All of a sudden he cries. They happen when I turn my back for a second so I am not sure if something happened. I thought it was home sickness but I had Monica confirm that it wasn't something else.  Did he hurt himself or did I do something to upset him? Monica confirmed that he wasn't hurt. He said that he doesn't know why he cries. When she said that I knew it is because he misses Honduras. He has to grieve for what he has lost. I am sure all of a sudden he thinks of something and the tears come. She also confirmed with him that he knew that he was in Canada to stay and that this was his family forever. He knew this but of course he misses his other family. Monica asked him what he liked best about Canada and he said "the toys".  She asked him what he thought of the cold weather and he said "No problem, you just put a coat on". 

I am glad to have Monica and her family.  Ricardo gets really happy when ever I mention Monica's name.  I am sure she provides comfort because she speaks Spanish.  This week Ricardo started swimming lessons with Monica (she is a swim instructor at our local pool).  He loves the pool and he will get to spend time with Monica. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

First Week Home

Its just over a week that we have been home and things are going well.  We are settling into a routine and recovering from the stress of the last few weeks.  We haven't done much but stay at home.  I am really amazed at how well Ricardo is doing.  He has dealt with tremendous change over the last few months but he still has a big smile on his face most of the time. 

Ricardo's experience of life in the foster home was pretty limited.   Most of Ricardo's life was spent in the living room watching tv.  He had never been to a park or grocery store or even played outside on the street.  His companions were the other foster kids who were 3 and 4.  His only glimse of the outside world was when the foster mother walked him to school.  She treated him like he was young in fact he was still sleeping in a crib at the foster mothers.  And he is almost seven. 

In the first few days with him, I could see that he had never experienced much outside the home.  I had to watch him all the time and explain many things to him.  But what amazes me is that he has greated most new situations and new places with great enthusiasm.  He loved getting to new hotel rooms, going out in the taxi or going shopping.  He also liked the flights as well. 

One of the few things that he hasn't been keen on is meeting other children.  He is naturally shy so backs away from groups of kids.   I think he also feels intimitated by other children his same age as they have so much experience and therefore they seem more confident.  I know that school is going to be an issue.  When we took Ali back last week we walked through the school yard and I explained to Ricardo that he was soon going to go to school too.  He said, "No, I don't want to go". 

He is getting on really well with Ali.  She is also very happy because now she has a living person to play with instead of a doll.  Once she taught school to the dog and a doll.  Now she has Ricardo and Ricardo, being easy going, does what ever she says.  She directs him to write out letters, then to pack up his books because school is over and she marches him back to his room.  She even had him doing yoga yesterday.  And he is totally happy playing along in whatever roll is assigned. 

He is not talking much English at this point.  He still using the words "swimming" and "bubbles" and has added "all done" and "Sit down Daisy" for the dog.  And is favourite words are "mini golf" which is uses everytime we pass the place with the pirate ship and the giant shoe.  I have been trying to get him to speak more English but I was getting the feeling that he doesn't want to speak English.  One day he told me that his family speaks Spanish so he doesn't want to speak English.  I tried to explain that his foster family spoke Spanish but that his new family speaks English and he will have to learn English too.  I wil see how he progresses in the next week.

So this week we will stay home again and rest up as I am still tired.  Last week I was totally exhausted but I am feeling a little better this week.  I am going to start getting Ricardo out more next week.  I need to build up his confidence in dealing with the outside world.  Sitting here at home is similar to what happened in Honduras and I know that he needs to take some steps forward because he is going to have to go to school at some point.  I am going to look into some activities for him that we can start next week.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween and the first day home

I was hoping for a quiet day today but it ended up being a busy day.  It was quiet for the first two hours but then we had to head out.  First, I needed clothes for Ricardo.  He was down to one pair of jeans and one pair of socks.  So he was in is glory getting new clothes and pjs and slippers.  When we were trying clothes on he said that everything fit perfectly even if it didn't.  I guess he wanted everything no matter what. 
Second, I needed Halloween stuff.  Make up for Ali, candy etc.  We had to go to a few stores to get Vampire teeth since some stores had sold out.  Ali already had a cape and Ricardo had a costume that Ali wore a few years back.  He put it on as soon as he got up. 

And then Third, I wanted to get the final papers done for the Canadian Citizenship Certificate.  This involved a short form and a letter to explain that the Embassy in Guatemala had taken the photos from me and that I wanted all my documents back.  Of course my printer died so I also had to go somewhere to get documents photocopied and the letter printed off before heading to the post office.

Then it was time to go home to carve the pumpkin.  Ricardo was not sure what we were doing but he soon caught on and helped to clean out the insides.  Ali carved one pumpkin and Ricardo and I did the other.  Then it was time to get ready.  Ali did her own make-up and then wanted to do Ricardo's. 

Ricardo with the pumpkins

Ali the make-up artist

All set to go out trick or treating

We headed out the door at 6:30.  Ricardo must think he has landed in a fantasy land.  You wear costumes all day and then go out at night and get candy.  He wasn't frightened by anything and was really fasinated by the flash light.  And once he got the first candy, he was running from door to door.  We headed towards the local park where there was a pumpkin walk through the park.  Hundreds of  pumpkins are set along a trail in the woods.  The kids liked it but were getting tired so we headed home. 

Pumpkins in the woods

Hopefully, things will be calm now for the next few weeks.  Ricardo has just been so wound up with everything and then we had Halloween on top of it all.  Ali is going back to school and I will have the first time alone with Ricardo.  We need to establish some routines and some guidelines.  This is my focus for the next few weeks.