Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Ricardo has now completed two full weeks of school.  The first week was just for 2.5 hours a day so he could get used to the class.  We went in on Monday at 11:45, just in time to eat lunch with the other students.  When we arrived the class was in the gym so we had the room to ourselves.  We found a coat hook with Ricardo's name above it and a chair for him.  Then the class arrived.  The teacher had told the class that Ricardo was coming and that they all had to help him learn English.   I stayed and just watched.  The teaching assisant spent alot of time with Ricardo leading him around when they had story time and then centres.  He was happy to be there but did not interact with the other kids.  At recess, he stood alone for a long time and then a little girl came and led him around the playground.  Just before the end of the day the English as a Second language teacher came and found me and walked to her office and discussed Ricardo and she gave me another Education website for Ricardo.  At the end of the day, Ricardo was smiling so I guess he enjoyed it.

The second day I stayed for a shorter time and then the third and fourth day I left after 10 minutes.  Friday was a PD day so no school.  The teacher said that he did well on his own and that they were working with pictures with the word beneath to teach him English.  They had a card for chair and shoes and other items he would use in the classroom.  They also had a strip of pictures showing the morning routine - hang up coat, put on inside shoes, go to chair -  so he could learn the routine and the words to go with it.  The teacher said that he was very good at watching the other students to see what he was supposed to do.

Last week Ricardo went to school for the full day.  I didn't even go in the class but waited outside with him until the teacher came to let them into the classroom.  After his first full day he said "Fun, fun".  There were no problems the rest of the week and he was happy at the end of each day.

He really likes to get his stuff prepared for school each day and loves his homework.  The first day he had homework, he wanted to start it in the car.  I hope he maintains this enthusiasum.  He has a few more weeks before the Christmas break.  I am looking forward to seeing him in the Christmas Concert.  


  1. Thank you for posting this Wendy! I have a huge smile on my face looking at Ricardo so happy in his classroom. He is amazing to be doing full days so quickly. What an incredible adjustment! I too hope he keeps his enthusiasm for school and learning. His classroom looks great and your school staff sound wonderful. You must be so thrilled and proud of your new son.
    P.S. It's recess here and I'm glad I caught it.

  2. Just thrilled with this update, Wendy...your son is just delightful! So very happy for sounds like he is coming out of his shell...he sure looks like he likes school by the pictures!

  3. So fun to see Ricardo at school. He looks a little bit different already. A little bit more grown up and happier. His eyes are brighter. Thank you for posting and keeping us updated on your progress with your new family.

  4. Ricardos school experience sounds great. Hope for him he can keep his enthousiasme, this is great.
    He looks so handsome. I am happy for your family
