Thursday, October 14, 2010

Running weekend

This past weekend we were in Victoria for the Victoria Marathon event.  No I didn't run the marathon, I ran the half in 2 hours, 5 mins.  I was happy with this time considering that I crammed the training in. And the fact that I am coming back from two years of no running due to surgeries.  All considered, it was pretty good.  I felt strong through the race and ran a negative split, 1 hour and 4 mins for the first half and 1 hour and 1min for the second half.  I could say that this was smart running on my part but the truth is that there were so many runners (6,500) crammed onto narrow streets that I spent the first 13k stuck behind slower runners.  I didn't worry though as I was out to just finish, not to set a PR. This was my 10th half and my third Victoria half

So now that I am almost back up to speed so to speak, I will now plan more races for the spring, maybe a half in March and another in June.  I am going to stay away from marathons for a while as they just take so much time to train for.  And lets not to forget how tried you can feel.  No, halves are good for now.

Ali also ran this weekend in the kids run.  She ran the 1.2 k with my Dad.  This year she actually ran it all except when she had to stop to tie her shoe.  This was easier for my Dad.  In past years he has had to carry her.  I must mention that my Dad and Ali beat Simon Whitfield.  You know, that Triathalon dude who has won Olympic Gold and Silver.  Sure, he may have been handicapped a bit by his two year old son but still, they beat him.  That's all we have to focus on.

Her is some photos of her running with my Dad. 

Dad and Ali

Simon Whitfield watch out!

With our finisher medals

My Mom ran the Marathon.  Yes, the marathon in 5 hours and 57 mins.  She is 63 and running marathons.  She collected pledges for this race and raised $2,000 for her charity, The Nepal Education Fund.

We did spend the night in Victoria and stayed in a hotel much to Ali's delight.  And in just over a week from now, we will be in a hotel again.  This time in Hong Kong! I can't wait.


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