Thursday, September 30, 2010

More Paperwork

Got another email from my agency late last night saying that the Ministry of Adoptions wanted more information regarding my psychology report and the testing that was carried out.  So it was a call to the Psychologist's office first thing this morning and then calls between him and my agency trying to figure out exactly what was needed.  By the time I was out of my morning meeting, it had all been sorted out. 

Usually, any documents that are sent to the country from Canada have to go through the same long journey that my dossier took.  The 3 month trip through consulates, ministries and translation.  This means that the additional information that was requested will not arrive at the Ministry of Adoptions for three months which could hold up the progress of my file.  The lawyer suggested that the test results be scanned so that the Adoption Ministry will have a copy while the the original goes through the long process.  The Ministry of Adoptions was kind enough to agree.  So there will be two signed copies of my test.  One will be scanned for immediate submission and then it will be sent on the long journey.  The other will be sent by mail to be submitted in the next few weeks so they will have a signed original. 

So what that all means is that my dossier will be complete and approved once the scanned document arrives.  The only question I don't have an answer to is how long it will take the Psychologist to do the report.  I am hoping it will only take a few weeks.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wow, what a number!!!

Wow, I can't believe it!  I got the most wonderful and unbelievable news from my agency today.  First, the Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs finished my dossier on Friday afternoon and the facilitator rushed over to get it and then rushed to get it registered at the ministry of adoptions.  So I am now registered on the international list.  This is great news but there was more.  My agency gave me my number and it was way, way lower then I thought it would be.  Even my agency was surprized.  They are not sure how I got such a low number but it may be the age of the child requested.  I was shocked to see the number.  I don't want to post it yet but my agency now estimates that I will see a referral within six months.  Six months!! This is way better then 2 years.  I am just so happy with this number!!!

Here is a recap. 

            Notarization - COMPLETED
            Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ottawa - COMPLETED
            Consulate of Child's Country - COMPLETED
            Courier to Child's Country - COMPLETED
            Translation of Dossier - COMPLETED
            Canadian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Child's Country - COMPLETED
            Other courier time - COMPLETED
            Total- 11 weeks two days. 

Of course, I have been down this road before so even though I am excited, I still know that things can change quickly. But for now I am going to enjoy this bit of positive news in this journey.

Monday, September 20, 2010

A Tiny Delay

Well, I emailed my agency last Friday to check on whether or not my file was finished with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  It wasn't.  It has been there over two weeks and usually it is two weeks tops.  But for some reason they won't do my file.  They promised it would be this week but my case worker didn't seem very convinced that it would be done this week.  The only good news is that translation is completed.  It was done before it went to the Ministry so I can wipe that one off the list. 

          Notarization - 1 week - COMPLETED
          Ministry of FA in Ottawa - 1-2 weeks - COMPLETED
          Consulate of Child's Country - 1 week - COMPLETED
          Courier to Child's Country - COMPLETED
          Translation of Dossier - COMPLETED
          Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Child's Country - UNDERWAY
          Other courier time - COMPLETED
          Total- 8 to 10 weeks

I am now at 11 weeks.  I really hope they get my file done this week.  Once it is done at the Ministry of FA it will be submitted and I will be in line and get a number.  I can't wait for this to happen.  I will really feel like I am on way once I am officially in line.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back to School

I can't believe it but Ali has started grade 2.  The summer sure went fast.  She spent two days with her grade one class and tomorrow will find out who her new teacher is and which other kids are in her class.  She was happy to see her friends on the first day but was not pleased when I picked her up because all they did the first day was, in her words, "Work! All we did was work.  Nothing fun."  Well unfortunately she has many years of work ahead of her.  Such is life.  Here is a picture of her on the first full day back.

Since she is in grade two, I have decided that it is time she take on some new responsibilities.  It is now her job to empty her lunch box when she gets home, make her lunch for the next day (with some help), to clean up all toys before bed and to feed the fish.  She is actually a very helpful little girl and usually she feeds the dog in the morning before I am dressed. 

Her reading, in English, has really improved this summer and apparently, she can remember how to write in French.  I found this written on her new white board the other day.  It says, "I don't like tomatoes."  "I like the colour pink."  Not sure what made her write the tomato comment but I am glad she likes pink since I just painted her room this colour. 


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Little Movement

I emailed my agency this past weekend just to see where things are at.  My dossier arrived in the country almost three weeks ago and now it is at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the capital.  I am not sure what has to happen at the Min of FA especially since it was already at the Min of FA in Ottawa.  It should be almost done at this office, I think but who knows.  I am assuming that the dossier has not been translated yet.  Information seems to be harder to get now that the dossier has left Canada.  Here is the list again for a recap.

                 Notarization - 1 week - COMPLETED
                 Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ottawa - 1-2 weeks - COMPLETED
                 Consulate of Child's Country - 1 week - COMPLETED
                 Courier to Child's Country - COMPLETED
                 Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Child's Country - UNDERWAY
                 Translation of Dossier - 1-2 weeks
                 Other courier time - 1 week
                 Total- 8 to 10 weeks

I am now at week 9.  I am hoping that the Ministry completes their work this week and translation will begin.  It would be great if it was registered at the adoption ministry in the country next week.  But I think that is wishful thinking.
